
Oct. 6th, Charleston
CAI Expo

CAI South Carolina’s annual expo with a full day of classes, exhibitors followed by a 70’s disco era networking party. There is even a CAI party bus from Myrtle Beach available.



Expo Schedule

9:00 – 10:00 Registration

This year, we will distribute attendee name tag wallets and permanent name tags for CAI members that will save time during the registration process at future events. Add special designation tags and fun tags that showcase your personality. Get here early before the line gets too long.

10:00 -10:45 Sessions

Room A (Managers only):
When and how to motivate, when to stand your ground and when to run for cover from your own board.
Managers have many issues, some conflicting, when dealing with their boards. Managers have to look out for the board, the residents of the association, the association’s vendors, the financial health of the association, the management company’s bottom line, and lastly their own reputations and careers. Our experts will offer advice ranging from legal protections, insurance requirements and how to get your point your across in just the right way.

Room B (Board members/ volunteers only):
10 ways board members can get themselves in big trouble and how to protect yourself if the worst happens.
Volunteering for the board brings a tremendous amount of responsibility. There are many ways even the smallest decision can impact not only the association, but the board member’s personal life and assets. Our experts discuss the 10 most common and sometimes most devastating mistakes a board member can make to their association, personal reputation, and their financial and mental health.

11:00 -11:45 Sessions

Room A:
Getting rid of pests (the non-human kind).
Large and small, from bed bugs to snakes. Maybe you see them, maybe you don’t. Environmental considerations and residents’ right-to-know what kind of chemicals and treatments are being used. What to expect from your pest control vendors. How mother nature can be used to battle pests, like dragonflies taking on your mosquitos.

Room B:
Getting rid of everything else annoying (the human kind).
Noisy, smelly, stinky neighbors, hoarders, residents who can’t park between the lines, those who can’t put their garbage where it belongs, those who don’t understand the difference between common and private grounds, those who put signage where it shouldn’t be and finally those who let their dogs poop anywhere they want- all will be discussed. How to and how not to initiate a conversation. Plus how to follow up with enforcement if required.


11:45 – 12:30 Lunch

Relax, eat and mingle. A great break for manager and board member attendees. Exhibitors should also take some time to reenergize from setting up their booths.

12:30 -1:15 Sessions

Room A:
Protecting your association’s money.
Topics range from accounting best practices to internet security. How to proceed if you suspect an embezzlement has taken place. Whom to contact first, how to communicate to your residents, and whether or not to press charges will be discussed. Lastly how to make sure as a board member or manager you have the proper insurance in place to protect your association and yourself.

Room B (PCAMs or management company principles only):
PCAM workshop
Just for PCAMs and management company principles. Group sessions to discuss how to help CAI promote professionalism in the management industry. Discuss ideas of how PCAM’s educational status can be recognized by residents and management company professionals. Discuss educational topic needs, converse with speakers that will challenge PCAMs and how PCAMs can educate others.
An attorney will be available for a Q&A session just for these PCAM attendees.

1:30 – 2:15 Sessions

Room A:
Best insurance practices for coastal properties (inland too).
The unique and challenging insurance issues for associations subjected to breaking dams, wind, coastal flooding, water damage, hurricanes and everything else mother nature can throw at us. How to make sure you have the right kind and right amount of insurance.

Room B: (limited to the manager, CAVL and membership committee members):
Committee meetings.
Committees will break into discussion groups by type, then a quick summary will follow with everyone together. A great way to get the committee programs started and network with other committee members.

2:30 – 3:15 Session

Room A:
Legal Question and Answers.
This session needs no explanation. The attendees throw out the questions, our experts provide the answers. Always interesting, surprising and fun.

3:15 – 5:00 Expo Hall

Concentrate on visiting our anticipated 70+ company exhibitors. Get updated on new services and products. Win door prizes and pick up all kinds of great freebies.

5:00 – 7:00 Awards, Door Prizes and 70s Disco Networking Party

Show off your best dance moves on the lighted dance floor to music from our DJ. Watch our hired 70s disco dancers strut their stuff, or just hang back and network with old and new friends. We will be pulling door prizes early from our many exhibitors. We will also be presenting CAI South Carolina’s first annual rewards.

Notes: You can’t be in two places at once? Don’t worry! Chances are something close to all the topics will be presented in your local region in 2017.

CAI board members, managers, volunteers…$80
Non-CAI board members, managers, volunteers…$120
CAI business partners…$150
Non-CAI vendors…$250


Exhibitors (only 15 booths left as of posting, actual number may be less)

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