Cats Cover 6-22-17

Cats Are Moving In… Tips for Managing Feral Cat Colonies

For some, one of the downsides of living in a condominium or homeowner association has always been close proximity to your neighbors. This can especially become a problem when your neighbors are loud and inconsiderate. But what if the rowdy family “next door” is a feral cat colony? What are your options when feline squatters settle in your community?

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Golf 5-18-17

Communities with Golf Courses, Don’t Forget the Greens on Your Reserve Study

Have you been wondering how having a golf course in your community affects your reserve study? Should you include it in your master study? Or should courses be treated as a separate entity? For this topic we reached out to Peter Miller, RS of Miller+Dodson Associates, Inc., a nationwide consulting firm based out of Annapolis, Maryland. Miller has been working with reserve studies since the 1980s. 

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Loans 8-3-17

Community Association Loans: Tips for Getting Approved

Does your community require a major repair, such as new facade, windows or roofs? Major repairs can be extremely costly. Luckily, loans are available for community associations that require funds for a particular project or repair. We spoke to Jared Tunnell, Senior Vice President at National Cooperative Bank to learn more about community association loans and what steps condominium and homeowner associations should take before acquiring a loan. 

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Association Board Due Dilligence

For Association Boards — What is Due Diligence?

Boards of community associations are tasked with the onerous responsibility of running their communities, and ensuring all facets of doing so are given their necessary attention. But how can boards make sure they’re attending to everything they’re supposed to, and doing it properly?   Boards are legally bound to exercise due diligence in their roles leading their associations, but what exactly is due diligence, and how can board members make sure they’re complying?

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