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Best Practices 6-1-17

Best Practices for Boards Changing Management Companies

“Breaking up” may be hard to do but when an association is ready to call it quits with its property management company and enter into a new relationship, there are some best practices it should follow. We spoke to Leonard Barber, CPA, CMCA, PCAM, President of Executive Property Management in North Brunswick, New Jersey, who offered some insight on the matter.

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Fiduciary Duty Headline 5-25-17

Understanding a Board’s Fiduciary Duty

When a homeowner decides to serve his or her association as a member of the board, that person has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the community. So, what exactly does a board’s fiduciary duty entail? According to Attorney Stacey Patterson of Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC, with offices in White Plains New York, Woodland Park New Jersey and Princeton, New Jersey, “fiduciary duty is the responsibility of the board members to ensure sound and proper operation and control of its community and to act in its best interest.”

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Property Tax Appeals and Community Associations

As the famous quote says, one thing we can be certain about in life is paying taxes. However, when it comes to the property tax arena, it is possible to reduce the effect this certainty can have on our wallets. Enter the property tax assessment appeals process. This process allows homeowners to appeal the tax assessment that has been placed on their property and potentially lower the amount they have to pay. 

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