
Posts Tagged ‘Article’



Changes on the Way for FHA Condominium Certification Process

Feature Story

Changes on the Way for FHA Condominium Certification Process ?

The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (H.R. 3700) was signed into law on July 29, 2016 with the intention of reforming the Federal Housing Association (FHA) loan program for community associations. The FHA serves to insure mortgages and because of that, it has to be attentive to risk, said Philip Sutcliffe of Project Support Services in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, a company that assists condominium associations with FHA certifications and recertifications. He explained that the FHA’s policy is to insure loans in communities that offer a reasonable expectation that the loans are going to get paid on time.

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Board Member Voting: Is My Ballot Private?

Feature Story

Board Member Voting: Is My Ballot Private?

Neighbors in a community may be friends, however, it’s possible someone may not think their friend would make a good board member. This puts them in a funny position when their friend asks them to sign a proxy for their community’s board election. Can owners in condominium and homeowner associations vote with the confidence that their vote will be confidential?

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“I Understand You’re Upset…” – Managers Share Tips for Diffusing Angry Homeowners

Feature Story

“I Understand You’re Upset…” – Managers Share Tips for Diffusing Angry Homeowners

As a professional in the property management industry, you want to serve your community members with the highest level of customer service. You want to help each and every one of them, and ensure their happiness. Then, one day it happens. You get a phone call from an angry homeowner…who is yelling at you! Now what? How do you handle it?

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Majority…Two-Thirds…What’s the Confusion Over Association Voting Math?

Last month we received several questions regarding what constitutes a majority when voting to change an association’s bylaws or the declaration.  We were a little surprised by how something that seems so simple, is actually not. As they say, the devil is in the details, especially when it comes to voting on either association bylaw or declaration amendments. 

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